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What I Don't Do

I do not provide vaccines or prescription medications, nor do I have a surgical or hospital facility. I refer back to your primary care vet for laboratory or diagnostic testing if needed. I am a complementary care practitioner, with years of experience in standard (conventional) veterinary practice, so can have honest discussions about prescribed drugs and potential side effects. I always provide reports, with recommendations for prescribed medications where appropriate, back to your primary care vet, and the aim is that my care is complementary to the conventional care, not as a replacement for conventional medication when indicated.


For supplements I recommend, I do not carry stock, rather direct you to websites to purchase from. You are paying me for my service, knowledge and advice, I do not wish to profit from a mark up on medicines or supplements.


Herbal medicines are a bit different, they are not generally freely available online, as they need to be used under the care of a holistic practitioner with additional training in herbal medicine. I mix tinctures bespoke to each pet and stock tablet form of various herbal complexes and dry herbs for teas/washes. 


I do not provide emergency or in-patient care

Out of hours I am available for remote advice and euthanasia

Norwich Night Vets are our nearest facility for out of hours emergency care. 


Veterinary Prices



Peaceful In-home Euthanasia prices

£430 for cats/small dogs (within 20 min travel time)

£460 for medium dogs

£495 for large dogs

Please ask for extra large dogs. 

Travel time over the first 20 min charged on top. 



Initial Consultation for herbal/acupuncture/nutrition/

pain assessment (75min plus report writing)




Follow up revisits (30-40min) from £72.50 

Follow up revisits (40-55min) from £95

(£87.50-£102.50 for acupuncture revisits)



Written reports are supplied every visit, copied to you and your vet,

and available on the Acuropet app. â€‹


How to pay

How To Pay

For euthanasia appointments, payment by BACS transfer is requested at time of booking to secure the appointment, then we can focus on you and your pet at the appointment itself. I can also accept cash at the visit itself. 

For holistic consultations, payment is invoiced and due at the time of consultation or within 48 hrs of receiving the invoice via email.
Payment may be made by cash,  or BACS transfer. Details of how to pay are on every invoice. Cheques can sometimes be accepted.

Herbal Formulas and tablets must be paid for in advance and cannot be refunded if you change your mind or return unused tincture/tablets as they are bespoke to each individual.


Missed/Cancelled Appointments

Missed appointment and Late payment fees may be charged.


Cancellations are sometimes unavoidable, as long as 24 hours notice is given, you will not be charged. My computer system sends out text message reminders 24 hours prior to an appointment.


To cancel/reschedule, please contact Lorraine or Helen on 01603 369891


If you have the Acuropet app, cancellations/rescheduling may be made via the app.


Please note Lorraine, Helen and I endeavour to respond to messages and e-mails the same day between 9 and 5. We usually respond within an hour or two.


For euthanasia appointments, we will respond at weekends, depending on availability. 


If you are concerned about your pet out of hours, stop giving any herbal treatments and contact your first opinion vet or their out of hours service. 

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